Welcome to Our Site!
Hi I am a lover of all animals, but especially dogs who hold a special place in my heart. I have been helping to find missing dogs since 2010 via Facebook Missing Dogs UK.
I considered setting up this website for a few years after realising not everyone uses social media sites. I finally went ahead with it in March 2018. Hoping another form of contact with the public will help reunite dogs and their families
My journey began when I helped a family with a missing spaniel named Biscuit. Biscuit went missing in 2010 on my road where i lived. It was a sad time but he was fortunately found 2 years later & reunited with his family.
Then in 2011, I Got more involved when Marnie, a tiny female Yorkshire Terrier went missing. She was taken from her home in Canterbury, Kent in June of that year. She was believed to have been sold on in my area at the time, and has not been found yet.
I have many stories from helping people and it made me realise just how many dogs go missing. It fueled my need to help even more.
How we can help:
1. You can post a missing or found dog on our website for free. Please upload a photo and there is also a option to add a video link.
2. After making your missing dog listing, you will be able to print out a poster which you can share in your local and surrounding areas. You can also share the poster to social media sites.
3. You can view missing & found dogs in your area.
4. You can comment and reply on your lost dog listing & also privately message other members. To offer them support or to help put up posters.
5. If any members on here are abusive or threatening towards others. You will be deleted off of the website. Please report anyone who is harassing you or is abusive to others.
6. If you make a missing dog listing please check your post on a regular basis for replies and to update others on the progress of your dog. If you find your dog, please mark them as reunited etc for people to know which ones are still missing.
7. All listings over 6 months inactive will be automatically hidden from the website. So please remember to edit/update your listing. It is to help the site to run more efficiently.
I wish everyone the best of luck in searching for your dog and thank you for supporting Missing Dogs UK.
DOGS ARE FAMILY, please keep yours safe!